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Outdoor surveillance cameras


The recent weather in Shenzhen was affected by "Hongxia" and it was going to rain and blow typhoon again. Are your surveillance cameras installed outside and wireless network cameras still safe?Is your surveillance camera installed outside waterproof?

surveillance cameras

In changeable climate, especially in rainy and snowy weather, if the surveillance camera installed outdoors does not have the waterproof function of IP65, it cannot meet the conditions for outdoor use.Look small make up to install use surveillance cameras in outdoor wireless network camera remote function as well as very important, how the user from the scope of monitoring has certain areas where cell phone use dynamic, real-time monitoring to see that a lot of the users of the pursuit of function, but also must be simple installation, it is best to three steps can be finished to install surveillance cameras.

surveillance cameras

As a security surveillance product, surveillance camera is of course indispensable for its detection function. If strangers enter or foreign objects invade, users can be notified via mobile phone warning via email or SMS to prepare for relevant protection or make emergency treatment.

surveillance cameras